You can add as many different sections as you wish to fit the functionality and the design of your choice.
Add a section:
All done! Time to edit your new section.
The added section will automatically get the general theme of the website: Button design, fonts and colors.
Hit the lighting icon to switch between static content and dynamic content.
Top lightning: Lightning.mp4
Hit the up or down arrow icon to change the location of the section in the site.
Reorder section: Reordrder_section.mp4
This feature will allow you to duplicate the section. You can duplicate a section to any page on your site.
Duplicating a copy of a section means that any change in the duplicated section won’t affect the original section, and vice versa.
Duplicating an instance of a section means that any change in the duplicated section will affect the original section, along with all other instances, and vice versa.
Hit the Bin icon to delete the section from the site.
Delete section: Delete_section.mp4