The Footer is always located at the bottom of each site, and will be displayed to the visitor right after he finishes going through the content of the site. Hence it is usually used to show general information about the site, such as social media links, contact information, the logo or links to some of the site’s main parts.
Footer Settings Panel allows you to set-up the footer of the site, including its links, title, and buttons. Site Creator uses the same footer throughout the entire site for all Pages.
● Presets - Choose the required preset for your footer’s styling.
● Links - Manage the links of your footer’s items.
● Visual Elements - Choose which elements will appear on the footer.
● Menu Color - Choose the general colors of the footer.
● Menu Items’ Typography - Choose the colors and fonts of the footer’s items.
● Pro - Add customized CSS code to the footer.
Select a preset for the footer of the website. Presets affect footer menu look and feel on desktops. On mobile, all footer presets automatically convert to the standard mobile-friendly menu.
The links drawer allows you to add, edit and manage the links on your Website's Footer.
You can choose between 3 different options for each link:
1) None - The button will have no link.
2) Page - The button will be linked to one of the site’s pages. You will be able to choose whether the page will be opened in a new page or on the current page.
3) Web Address - The button will be linked to an external website. You will be able to choose whether the page will be opened in a new page or on the current page.
Select which elements are visible in the footer: Title, Subtitle, Icon, Buttons 1, 2, 3
Here you set the background colors of the footer:
Background - the basic background color of the footer.
Secondary Background - Relevant only to bi-color footers, never used on mobile footers.
Accent - additional color used on footers that have hover-highlights and for the “+” in the mobile footer.
Typography preset
Here you can choose to design the buttons according to 1 of 3 (B1/B2/B3) button’s presets that you design on the website Style Sheet settings.
Select menu items’ colors, the colors of the footer (״footer links”):
● Text - idle state of items’ text
● Text Hover - hover state
● Background - idle background color of the items (you can keep transparent in most cases)
● Background Hover - Hover background color of items Footer settings overview video: Footer.mp4
Add customized CSS code to the footer. This allows you to affect the styling of the footer by using external code.